Identity Check; Coke or Fanta?


Hello there! Welcome back to my space. If this is your first time here, endeavor to check out my previous post (here).

coca-cola-cold-drink-soft-drink-coke-50593.jpegHere’s a glass of refreshing coca-cola drink to help you through your read. And a glass to fill for your friend.

The post title sounds somewhat funny, but it holds a lot to life. Growing up, my answer to the popular question of ‘’coke or fanta?’’ Had always been Fanta. Not that coke didn’t taste good then, nor that it didn’t have a good look either. It was fanta for me because coke has a dark color and fanta orange. It was enough to already hear people call me names like ‘’Blacky’’, So, I thought, why should I take a darkness painted drink again? Automatically I developed this hate relationship for coke or any drink with similar color. In fact, I lived most of…

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The Good Muslim..

Sometimes, Amexa writes.

Hi everybody,

The biweekly posts don’t seem to be working. My last post was a month ago. I’m sorry, I really am…  Uni is taking over my life BUT I’m going to try a little harder to be more consistent.

Today’s post is going to be quite short. A couple of weeks ago,  while having a conversation with my housemate in the kitchen, my prayer alarm rang on my phone. I excused myself and left to go observe my prayer. When I was done with my prayer, I went back down to the kitchen. When she saw me come down, she called me a ‘good Muslim’. She compared me to her friend who was not a ‘good Muslim’. Her friend, who is a Muslim, doesn’t wear the hijab like I do and she does not excuse herself to go pray as soon as the prayer is called.

My first instinct was…

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11 Dreams Killers and How to Overcome Them

Leila Khalil

We all have dreams.

Achieving ones dreams is somewhat equivalent to fulfilling ones purpose in life which would in turn lead to overall happiness; a sense of fulfilment. The opposite may potentially lead to depression and sadness.

The thing is we all have ideas which eventually lead to goals we must achieve to fulfil our dreams. Some of us succeed while others don’t, why? One’s ability to identify dream killers and overcome them will determine if they will succeed or not.

Dream killers may be internal or external.

Internal in the sense that it’s just between you and your dreams anything apart from this is regarded as external.


  1. Fear

Fear of failure, rejection, change and loss. Thinking too much about what if it doesn’t work out, what if this and what if that, is detrimental to attaining your goal. Fear is unavoidable, so acknowledging the fact that…

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Harsh realities of maturity and adulthood where in your entire reactions and approach to situations changes totally and grow responsibly.

In generality, it’s indisputable that life is stage-based; ranging from the childhood to adulthood.  These stages are made possible through the aid of growth. Obviously, majority of what distinguishes these stages is their physical structures among…
Full Article here

New Bloggers, Blogging and Life

Find Your Middle Ground

blogging and life

I have noticed an interesting phenomenon recently with new bloggers. Perhaps, if you are reading this, then you may have noticed as well. There are flurries of Likes one after an other and then a Follow.

I doubt this new generation has superhuman ability to read so quickly… and it makes me wonder if they are actually reading what is posted, or are simply wanting reciprocation, with multiple likes and a follow. Is the goal to accumulate lots of Likes and Followers, regardless of connection with other bloggers?

It makes me think of my adolescence where there was much self doubt and a craving for validation. If I do this for you, you’ll do this for me. If I like you, you must like me. This, of course, is encouraged in all Social Media.

Perhaps this keeps many people in a state of wondering what others think, and being seen…

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Jolted back to reality


The joy that comes forth,
With the babble of an infant,
Can be for a moment cut short,
In a long run or an instant.

To see a child grow,
Prosper and bloom like a rose,
Like the blood in the veins flow,
You hold each memory dear and close.

The hopes and dreams of tomorrow,
You catch a glimpse today,
But it can be shattered in pain and sorrow,
With wisdom scant, words absent to say.

The time can never be foretold,
And it comes at a time only right,
Ransome nor bribe can ease the hold,
When the hand snatches in one might.

So it comes only to the appointed,
Though the visit is but brief,
It does not even excuse the anointed,
As it leaves in its wake, just grief.

Through the wailing and tears,
A big lesson is given to ponder,
Upon which might heighten our fears,

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